Expired Laboratory Documentation & QA/QC in the lab & in the field, Pasco, WA; WW & DW CEU (WA & OR)
July 24, 2019 - July 25, 2019
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Event Phone: 360-490-2426
Great news: We met the minimum registration requirements!
Extended Registration Deadline: 5 pm July 22nd, 2019
As a water or wastewater operator you know that documentation is becoming more and more important. At times it feels like we can’t do ANYTHING anymore without having to record or log it somewhere. On top of that, sometimes it feels like every time we talk to someone about what we are required to document we get a different answer.
To produce defensible data we must be able to demonstrate that information is properly documented and equipment is calibrated, calibrations are verified, operators / analysts are trained properly, results are adequately documented, and more. This applies as much to field testing, operating flow meters and chemical feed pumps, and inline monitoring equipment as it does to your water quality analyses in the laboratory.
During the first day of this workshop we will discuss why all this paperwork and documentation is necessary and how you can use this information to make your life easier down the road. Sooner or later your operation will encounter an audit by the regulators, troubleshoot the treatment process or a piece of equipment, or renew the discharge permit. Good and thorough documentation will make troubleshooting easier and improve your organization’s compliance.
Together we will explore what and how information needs to be documented to stay compliant with lab accreditation requirements and produce defensible and reliable lab data. We will discuss internal and external chain of custodies (COCs), benchsheets, logs (temperature, chemical, reagent, maintenance, etc.), Quality Control (QC) logs and charts, and standard operating procedures (SOPs).
During the second day we will explain the essential terminology, processes, and principles of a QA/QC program. Together we will examine what it will take to create a defensible Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) program and how you can implement it in your operation. Furthermore, we will explore the 12 components of Quality Control as required by 40 CFR 136.7:
- Demonstration of Capability (DOC)
- Method Detection Limit (MDL)
- Method Blank (LRB or MB)
- Laboratory Control Sample (LCS or LFB)
- Matrix Spike (MS and/or MSD)
- Internal Standards (GC/MS)
- CalibrationControl Charts
- Corrective Action
- QC Acceptance Criteria
- Batch definition
- QC Frequency
We will also discuss the value of QC charts, how to create them, and what information you can glean from them. Additionally, we will examine why Method Detection Limits (MDLs) are important and how to establish them.
Through out the workshop we will utilize real life scenarios and exercises to demonstrate how this documentation can be utilized to protect you and your organization and help with troubleshooting and process evaluations.
Our “Lab Documentation and QA/QC in the lab & in the field” workshop will provide you with essential information you need to obtain or maintain your water or wastewater operator certification and be compliant with lab accreditation.
Great news: We met the minimum registration requirements!
Extended Registration Deadline: 5 pm July 22nd, 2019
Date: July 24th and 25th, 2019
Time: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Where: Pasco Water Treatment Plant, 11315 W Court St, Pasco, WA
Fee: $450
CEUs: WA & OR Wastewater & Drinking Water CEUs
WA Department of Ecology Course ID: Ecy17-1610 & Ecy17-1638, 1.5 CEUs
WA Department of Health / WA Certificati0n Services Course ID: A2574 & A2600, 1.4 CEUs
OSEAC Course ID: 3527 & 3565, 1.4 CEUs
Instructor: Lori Zboralski & Erika Schwender
Registration: online: www.pro-train.org; phone: (360) 490-2426; email: erika@pro-train.org
Contact: erika@pro-train.org or (360) 490-2426
Refreshments provided by Professional Training Association
Meals (breakfast, lunch, & dinner) must be provided by workshop participants
Venue: Pasco Water Treatment Plant
Venue Phone: 360-490-2426