Intro to Membrane Filtration in Wastewater
Membrane filtration has been applied in water treatment for decades. With a heightened focus on water conservation and water quality, wastewater treatment operations are increasingly applying sophisticated treatment technologies to meet these expectations. With new technologies and the cost reductions experienced during the past 10 years, membrane technology has become a common treatment approach in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.
Our two day “Introduction to Membrane Filtration in Wastewater” workshop explains the types of membranes available, the principles of membrane filtration, and its most common application in wastewater treatment, including their use in tertiary treatment and membrane bioreactors (MBRs).
In this workshop you will learn about how to successfully operate membrane systems, achieve treatment goals, and address various operational conditions. We will discuss solids and nutrient removal, fouling, and what to consider when fine tuning your treatment process.
Throughout the two day “Introduction to Membrane Filtration in Wastewater” workshop we will utilize real life scenarios to demonstrate how to apply this information in membrane operations. To help you better understand and become comfortable with how to apply the material covered in this class we will work through a variety of exercises reflecting problems and situations you may encounter while working with membranes.
Our “Introduction to Membrane Filtration in Wastewater” workshop will provide you with essential skills to operate your membrane facility, succeed in your career, and obtain or maintain your wastewater operator certification.