Introduction to Discharge Permit Compliance; Live Online

This 3 hour “Introduction to Discharge Permit Compliance” live online training will explain how to navigate your NPDES and / or State Waste Discharge Permit and locate important compliance requirements.
Compliance with Discharge Permits is part of the daily life at most treatment plants whether you are treating wastewater, potable water, industrial or agricultural waste, food processing water, or contaminated ground or surface water. Whether you are discharging your effluent to waters of the US, ground water, other state regulated bodies of water, or into another permitted municipal treatment system, you are facing limitations that are listed in a Discharge Permit. Many of your actions (such as sample collection, maintenance, documentation, etc.) and processes (e.g. nutrient removal, solids digestion, disinfection, etc.) at the treatment plant are driven by your discharge permit’s requirements.
This workshop will explain where these requirements can be found in your permit, where the appropriate state regulations can be found, and which agencies you will be working with to obtain and maintain a Discharge Permit.
We encourage all workshop attendees to have access to copies of their permits during the class so we can answer your questions and help you better understand your permit.
This “Introduction to Discharge Permit Compliance” live online workshop will provide you with an essential understanding of your Discharge Permit, how to become and remain compliant with its requirements, and how to address deficiencies.