Laboratory Processes Review & Exam Prep for Wastewater Operators; Live Online
Congratulations – you decided to take your wastewater certification exam. That’s a huge decision. What’s next?
Whether you are new to the field or have been working in it for years, taking the Certification Exam can be unnerving and requires a lot of preparation. Studying wastewater treatment manuals, talking to other operators, learning test taking skills . . . these are all great steps that will help you successfully pass your exam.
Exam Prep classes are great opportunities to hear about what to expect from the exam, refresh your knowledge, and identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Depending on which level of certification you are testing for, you can expect between 10 and 20 laboratory related questions in your exam. That’s up to 20% of your total number of questions! Let’s make sure that you are prepared to master them!
During our 3 hour online “Laboratory Processes Review & Exam Prep for Wastewater Operators” workshop we will review laboratory and field tests commonly used in wastewater treatment:
- Bacteriological
- pH
- Solids (TSS, VSS, Settleable Solids)
- Nutrients
We will also discuss key terminology, principles of those analyses, Quality Assurance / Quality Control processes, and commonly used lab equipment.
Furthermore, we will practice exam style questions related to these laboratory procedures:
Since review and exam preparation are fast paced, they do not allow for in-depth discussions and explanations of these laboratory processes; instead, they focus on review and practice questions. For those who are struggling with these lab analyses, we recommend participating in our more detailed lab specific classes, such as our “BOD – Best Practices”, “Total & Fecal Coliform Testing – Best Practices”, “pH, Chlorine, Turbidity, and Solids Analyses – Best Practices”, “Overview of Laboratory Documentation”, and “Introduction to Quality Assurance / Quality Control”.