Quality Assurance / Quality Control – In The Lab And In The Field
As a water or wastewater professional you know how important it is to produce defensible data. We must demonstrate that equipment is properly calibrated, calibrations are verified, operators / analysts are trained properly, results are adequately documented, and more. This applies as much to field testing, operating flow meters and chemical feed pumps, and inline monitoring equipment as it does to your water quality analyses in the laboratory.
Our “Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) – In The Lab And In The Field” workshop explains why these steps are necessary and how you can use this information when you get audited by a regulator, troubleshoot the treatment process or a piece of equipment, respond to inquiries from the public, or defend your data in a court of law. A good and thorough QA program will create confidence in your performance, improve compliance, and reduce your organization’s liabilities.
During this workshop you will learn the essential terminology, processes, and principles of a QA/QC program. Together we will examine what it will take to create defensible QA/QC program and how you can implement it in your operation.
Furthermore, you will explore the 12 components of Quality Control as required by 40 CFR 136.7:
- Demonstration of Capability (DOC)
- Method Detection Limit (MDL)
- Method Blank (LRB or MB)
- Laboratory Control Sample (LCS or LFB)
- Matrix Spike (MS and/or MSD)
- Internal Standards (GC/MS)
- Calibration
- Control Charts
- Corrective Action
- QC Acceptance Criteria
- Batch definition
- QC Frequency
In this class we will discuss the value of QC charts, how to create them, and what information you can glean from them. Additionally, we will examine why Method Detection Limits (MDLs) are important and how to establish them.
This “Quality Assurance / Quality Control – In The Lab And In The Field” workshop will provide you with an essential understanding of the principles and processes of QA/QC applied in water and wastewater treatment and other programs required to meet public health and / or environmental regulations.
CEUs: 0.8 WA WW